General regulations
I. Use of the premises and services
- Opening hours at Baltica Wellness & Spa are available at: www.spabaltica.pl/contact
Baltica Wellness & Spa reserves the right to change the opening hours of the Premises or its individual sections. - Purchase of an admission ticket to the Wellness Zone and/or purchase of other services from Baltica Wellness & Spa, along with preparation for use of the services are equivalent to a declaration by the Guest that s/he has no health counter-indications preventing use of the services provided by Baltica Wellness & Spa and that s/he has familiarised him/herself with and accepts the terms of the present Regulations.
- Guests at Baltica Wellness & Spa are required to read and comply with the present Regulations.
- Guests at Baltica Wellness & Spa are required to use the cloakroom located on the ground floor of the Premises.
- The right to use the services provided by Baltica Wellness & Spa is granted to those Guests who have purchased a single service or services, or access to the Wellness Zone, as well as to those Guests who hold the following documents indicated in these Regulations: a Multipass, Gift Card, a Day-Spa or Spa Gift. The right to use the services is limited to these services for which it has been purchased.
- Any fee paid for unused admission tickets, services, or where a Guest is required to leave the Premises under the terms stipulated in these Regulations is not subject to refund.
- The purpose of a visit to the Premises is to relax. Guests are required therefore to behave appropriately and not to disturb the other Guests.
- The following persons will not be permitted entry to the Premises:
8.1. persons under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants,
8.2. persons behaving aggressively, against the principles of social coexistence or not in accordance with accepted standards of behaviour in Spa centres. - The following are prohibited on the Premises:
9.1. smoking and drug use,
9.2. the bringing in and consumption of alcoholic beverages,
9.3. the bringing in and consumption of non-alcoholic beverages and food,
9.4. the bringing in of glass objects,
9.5. dogs and other animals,
9.6. trade and canvassing.Should a Guest fail to comply with these prohibitions, s/he will be required to leave the Premises when asked to do so by Baltica Wellness & Spa staff. Image and sound recording devices may be brought in and images or sound may be recorded only with the prior approval of the Management. - Beauty treatments may only be used by adults. Persons between 12 and 18 years of age may have treatments subject to the written consent of a legal guardian. Signatures should be made in person; consent forms are available at the Spa reception desk.
- In order to ensure due order and safety on the Premises and ensure its efficient functioning, Baltica Wellness & Spa reserves the right to refuse the provision of services on the Premises and/or access to the Premises.
- Payment for services rendered by Baltica Wellness & Spa may be made in cash, by credit card or bank transfer to the relevant bank account. In the case of a bank transfer, payment should be made 5 days prior to the agreed treatment.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa staff are entitled to discontinue the treatment if:
13.1. there is a suspected threat to life or health,
13.2. the Guest behaves inappropriately. - Business activities in direct competition with Baltica Wellness & Spa or Pazim Spółka z o.o.. may not take place on the Premises. Such business activities are defined as the paid or free performance of activities similar to those provided by Baltica Wellness & Spa, in particular in the fields of:
14.1. beauty treatments,
14.2. relaxing treatments including massage. - Due to the care for high standards of services and for health and safety reasons, no training, by persons other than staff at Baltica Wellness & Spa may take place.
- No advertising of any form may be conducted on the Premises without the consent of the Director of Baltica Wellness & Spa.
- For rehabilitation treatments Pazim Sp. z o.o. will issue a VAT invoice with the applicable VAT rate.
- Any complaints or requests should be reported directly to the Baltica Wellness & Spa Manager or by email at the following address: reklamacje@spabaltica.pl
- All persons on the Premises at Baltica Wellness & Spa are required to comply with the present Regulations and with the orders of staff at Baltica Wellness & Spa.
- If objects or devices constituting the equipment of Baltica Wellness & Spa become lost or dirty, Guests are obliged to repair the damage caused by payment of compensation. The amount of compensation is determined in each case with an individual estimation of the loss.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa shall not be liable for damage to the health of persons participating in classes caused by the improper use of equipment located on the Premises, failure to comply with these regulations or by the nonobservance of instructions and orders of persons authorised to conduct the classes.
- Any changes to the Baltica Wellness & Spa Regulations and price list shall be announced by posting the modified content at the reception desk and publishing it on the website www.spabaltica.pl
- The current Regulations are available at each reception desk on the Premises and on the official website at www.spabaltica.pl.
II. Multipasses. Gift Cards. Day-Spa packages. Spa Gifts.
- Buyers and Holders of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document are required to read these Regulations.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa offers the sale of Multipasses, Gift Cards, Spa Gifts and Day-Spa Packages, which confer the right to use the services of Baltica Wellness & Spa on the conditions specified in the present Regulations.
- Multipasses, Gift Cards, Spa Gifts and Day-Spa Package documents confer the right to use the Baltica Wellness & Spa services they have been issued for only for the period of validity specified on the Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or Day-Spa Package document.
- Failure to use a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or Day-Spa Package document within the time specified on the Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or Day-Spa Package document shall result its no longer being valid.
- Following expiry of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document, the Holder may not demand that Baltica Wellness & Spa provide the service to which they were entitled by the Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or Day-Spa Package document, nor file any claims related to this service against Baltica Wellness & Spa, including unjust enrichment or non-performance or undue performance of the service.
- If during the period of validity of the Pass, Day-Spa Package or Spa Gift, the entitled person does not use the services to which these documents have authorized, the amount equal to the unused services will not be refunded.
- A Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package may not be resold to third parties.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa shall not be liable for loss or damage to a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa has the right to refuse to provide services on the basis of Multipasses, Gift Cards, Day-Spa Package documents which are illegible, damaged or destroyed. In such a case, the document will be regarded by Baltica Wellness & Spa as invalid, with no right to receive a substitute document.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa shall not provide services on the basis of inauthentic Multipasses, Gift Cards, Spa Gifts or Day-Spa Package documents. In the event of reasonable doubts as to the authenticity of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document, Baltica Wellness & Spa reserves the right to suspend provision of services until inspection of the document. In the event of discovering a document’s inauthenticity, Baltica Wellness & Spa shall notify the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
- Multipasses, Gift Cards, Spa Gifts or Day-Spa Package documents are not means of payment. They cannot be converted to cash, neither in full nor in part, nor be exchanged into other Multipasses, Gift Cards, Spa Gifts and Day-Spa Packages or services other than those to which they entitle the Holder.
- Purchase of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package constitutes confirmation that the Buyer accepts the conditions contained in these Regulations. Acceptance of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document by the Holder constitutes confirmation that the Holder of the Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or Day-Spa Package accepts the conditions contained in the present Regulations.
- Before transferring a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document, the Buyer of the Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package is obliged to inform the Holder of the conditions of use of Multipasses, Gift Card, Spa Gift or Day-Spa Packages included in the present Regulations, including the obligation to read the present Regulations. In the case of failure to supply or improper supply of the aforementioned information to the Holder, the Buyer shall bear full liability in this respect and shall be obliged to exempt Baltica Wellness & Spa from obligations towards the Holder of a Multipass, Gift Card or a Day-Spa Package.
- Treatments cannot be performed without presentation of a Gift Card, Spa Gift, Multipass or a Day-Spa Package document, even if reservation has already been made.
- It is not possible to issue duplicates for lost Multipasses, Gift Cards, Spa Gifts or Day-Spa Package documents.
A. Multipasses
- Baltica Wellness & Spa issues the following types of Multipass:
1.1. Wellness Zone Multipasses.
1.2. Multipasses for a series of treatments.
1.3. Open Passes. - For Open Passes, Baltica Wellness & Spa reserves the right to to verify the personal details of the Customer wishing to use this type of pass.
- An Open Pass confers the exclusive right of the person indicated on the Pass [the Holder] to use the services provided by Baltica Wellness & Spa. If the buyer of the Pass [the Buyer] is acquiring it for a third party, personalisation of the Pass will occur at the latest upon the first visit to the Spa, when the appropriate details will be entered onto the Pass by Baltica Wellness & Spa. With Open multipass only one entry per day is permissible. For health reasons it is not recommended that you spend more than 5 hours per day in the Wellness Zone.
- The Multipass Holder is authorised to use only the specific service to which s/he is entitled with the Multipass.
- If the Buyer is a person other than the Holder of a Multipass, transfer of the Multipass to the Holder of the Multipass results in the assignment of liabilities to Baltica Wellness & Spa by virtue of the purchase of the Multipass and acquisition of the legal position of Buyer by the Holder.
B. Spa Gifts
- Baltica Wellness & Spa issues the following types of Spa Gifts:1.1. One-Off Gift, issued depending on circumstances, upon the Guest’s request.
1.1. Promotional Spa Gifts for use with current special offers at the Spa. - A Spa Gift for single treatments is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Treatments must be reserved a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the expiry date. The Gift holder accepts the terms and condition of sale and use of Baltica Wellness & Spa Gifts. The Gift entitles the holder to use Baltica Wellness & Spa Services only at regular prices.
- A promotional Spa Gift entitles the holder to the special offer purchased, in accordance with the period of validity. The expiry date may not be extended. The Gift holder holder accepts the terms and condition of sale and use of Baltica Wellness & Spa Gifts. Treatments must be reserved a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the expiry date.
- All treatments and services performed as part of a Spa Gift are not exempt from VAT. A VAT invoice for the purchase of a Spa Gift is always issued at the VAT rate applicable. A ZW VAT invoice may be issued for rehabilitation services only on the basis of a medical referral.
C. Day-Spa packages
- Day-Spa Packages currently offered for sale by Baltica Wellness & Spa are described in full on the Baltica Wellness & Spa website: spabaltica.pl/en/spa-packages/day-spa-packages
- The right to use a Day-Spa Package is granted by the Day-Spa Package document.
- The Holder of a Day-Spa Package is entitled to take advantage of only those treatments available for that particular Day-Spa Package.
- Day-Spa Packages are valid for 3 months from the date of sale.
D. Gift Card
- General Conditions
1.1. Pazim Sp. z o.o. offers Gift Cards sale, which are cards with a magnetic strip issued by Pazim Sp. z o.o. to a named Holder, entitling the Holder to use Baltica Wellness & Spa services up to the points limit purchased and stored on the card.
1.2. Gift Cards are sold directly at the Spa and on the internet at www.spabaltica.pl by submitting an order form.
1.3. Each Gift Card has stored on it the number of points purchased by the Purchaser, with the proviso that it may not be lower than 100 points per Card.
1.4. The value of the Gift Card corresponds exactly to the number of points stored on it, i.e. 1 point is equal to the value of 1 zl.
1.5. No staff discounts or other discount cards honoured at Baltica Wellness & Spa apply to the purchase of Gift Cards.
1.6. Each Holder of an active Gift Card may use the Services available at Baltica Wellness & Spa, with the proviso that treatments are subject to prior reservation.
1.7. Since the Gift Card is the property of the holder, neither the Issuer nor Baltica Wellness & Spa take any responsibility for persons using the Card without the knowledge or permission of the Purchaser or Holder.
1.8. A Gift Card is valid and active for a period of 12 months from the date of purchase by the Purchaser. The Gift Card validity period may not be extended. - Terms of Use
2.1. When using the Gift Card the Holder is not entitled to receive any difference in the value of the Services purchased and the value of the points stored on the Card. Any difference may be used by the Holder in subsequent Services provided during the Gift Card validity period.
2.2. The Holder is obliged to pay the difference where the value of the Services used is higher than the value of the points stored on the Gift Card.
2.3. The Holder may use the Gift Card repeatedly, either until no points remain or the expiry date is reached.
2.4. Pazim Sp. z o.o. or Baltica Wellness & Spa reserve the right to refuse the Gift Card, Spa Gift in particular in the following cases:
2.4.1. the Gift Card expiry date has passed;
2.4.2. no points remain on the Gift Card;
2.4.3. the Gift Card has been damaged to the extent that it is impossible to read the data stored on it. - Billing and complaints procedure
3.1. The Holder has the right, at any time, to verify the current number of points on the Gift Card by calling Baltica Wellness & Spa direct on +48 607 751 329 or by sending an email to info@spabaltica.pl.
3.2. Any complaints should be made in writing at Baltica Wellness & Spa during opening hours or via email to the following address: reklamacje@spabaltica.pl.
3.3. Pazim Sp. z o.o. will consider complaints within 14 days of their submission by the Holder. - Final Provisions
4.1. The Purchaser who has obtained the Gift Card via the internet may, as a consumer as defined by Art. 221 of the Civil Code, within 14 days of purchasing the Card, return the card and withdraw from the agreement without providing a reason and without incurring costs. The condition for withdrawing from the agreement is submitting a declaration of withdrawal at Baltica Wellness & Spa along with proof of purchase.
4.2. These Terms and Conditions are available online at www.spabaltica.pl and at Baltica Wellness & Spa. At the Holder’s request, Pazim Sp. z o.o may also provide them in writing.
4.3. Pazim Sp. z o.o. reserves the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without providing reasons. Any changes made to the conditions will be made available online at www.spabaltica.pl and at Baltica Wellness & Spa.
III. Reservation of services
- Bookings for services at Baltica Wellness & Spa may be made by the Holder of a Multipass, a Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package either in person or by contacting the reception desk at the Premises via:
1.1. electronic mail to the e-mail address: reservation@spabaltica.pl, or
1.2. telephone, on the number: +48 607 751 329 - A booking made by e-mail should contain a minimum of the requested date of the service in addition to the type of service requiring reservation i.e. the name of the treatment or treatments or package available at Baltica Wellness & Spa, in accordance with the current product range available on the website www.spabaltica.pl, along with the name and surname of the person for whom the reservation is it to be made and a contact phone number.
- Reservation via e-mail shall be deemed effective if it is confirmed by Baltica Wellness & Spa within 48 hours from the date of receipt, to the e-mail address in the original message.
- Reservation by phone is subject to confirmation directly at the time of the call.
- In the case of failure to confirm the reservations as provided for in paragraphs 3 and 4, reservation shall be deemed not to have been made.
- Reservation of treatments that the Holder of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document intends to use should be made at least 3 weeks prior to their expiry date. Where a treatment reservation is made after the deadline referred to above, Baltica Wellness & Spa shall book a treatment only in the case of availability of particular treatments and on the dates offered by Baltica Wellness & Spa. Baltica Wellness & Spa shall not be liable for the inability to use a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document in each case when treatments are booked within a time period shorter than 3 weeks prior to the expiry of a document. In particular, in such a case the Holder of a Multipass, Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package document shall not be entitled to receive another, free, treatment or to receive a cash equivalent for the unused treatment.
IV. Locker rooms. Safekeeping. Clothing.
- Baltica Wellness & Spa bears no responsibility for items left in the cloakrooms, changing rooms and lockers.
- Guests may borrow a bathrobe or a towel (details at the reception desk on the second floor).
- All personal belongings should be left in the locker room.
- Where the transponder with key or the key to the changing room is lost or damaged, the Guest must immediately inform the reception staff and pay an additional fee of 30 zł.
- All items left in the changing rooms will be stored for 7 days from the date they are found. The Guest reserves the right to report missing items and determine the date for collection whereupon the item(s) will be stored until collection. Should the Guest fail to pick up the item(s) before or on the agreed date, the item(s) shall no longer be held for collection.
V. Wellness Zone
- The Wellness Zone is open daily, from Monday to Thursday from 13.00 to 21.00, and from Friday to Sunday from 11.00 to 21.00. The Wellness Zone closes at 20.45.
- Minors may use the Wellness Zone provided they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Prior to using the Wellness Zone, the parent or legal guardian is required to sign a consent form at the reception on the 2nd floor of the Premises.
- The Sauna Zone is a textile-free zone, which means that those using the Sauna must take into account that other people using it may be naked.
- The Wellness Zone provides services with the use of, among others: aromatherapy steam room, Ottoman steam room, traditional steam room, caldarium, tepidarium, snow cave, sensations showers, three jacuzzis and a sauna.
- Upon purchasing a ticket or presenting a Multipass or Gift Card, Spa Gift or a Day-Spa Package a transponder key to the changing rooms is issued.
- Fees for additional services located within the Wellness Zone, and not covered by the entrance fee to the Wellness Zone (Rassoul mud bath and Hammam Ceremony room) and/or an extended stay in the Wellness Zone are subject to immediate settlement upon leaving the Zone, at the reception desk on the 2nd floor.
- Access to the Wellness Zone is granted to all persons with a valid entry ticket, Prior to entering the Wellness Zone with a child, the parent or legal guardian is required to sign a consent form at the reception area.
- For health reasons it is not recommended that you spend more than 5 hours per day in the Wellness Zone.
- Use of Wellness Zone is prohibited for persons with infectious diseases, visible skin diseases, open wounds, etc.
- Use of mobile phones in the Wellness Zone is prohibited.
- All fittings and equipment in the Zone should be treated with due care.
- Glass objects and other hazardous objects must not be brought into the Zone.
- Clean pool shoes are compulsory in the Wellness Zone. A towel is required.
- Footwear must be removed prior to entry to the jacuzzi and before entering, it is absolutely necessary to thoroughly wash the entire body under the shower.
- Use of cosmetic products is in Wellness Zone prohibited.
A. Snow Cave
- The Snow Cave is an integral part of the Wellness Zone at Baltica Wellness & Spa.
- No more than 6 persons may be present in the Cave at any one time.
- The temperature in the Cave may fall to -15°C.
- It is inadvisable to use the Cave after a heavy meal.
- Before entering the Cave, Guests should shower with soap and warm water, and then dry themselves with a towel.
- Entering the Cave during snow production is not recommended.
- Guests should not enter the Cave with towels.
- Swimwear must be worn in the Cave.
- A session in the Cave should not exceed 10 minutes.
- After the session in the Cave it is advisable to rest for approximately 15 – 20 minutes and drink a moderate quantity of mineral water.
- Before and after a session in the Cave physical exercise is not recommended.
- It is advisable to use the Snow Cave in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
12.1. metabolic disorders (obesity)
12.2. chronic arthritis and periarthritis
12.3. neuralgia - Use of the Snow Cave is inadvisable in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
13.1. heart failure,
13.2. hypertension,
13.3. hypotension,
13.4. tendency to bleed,
13.5. conditions at an acute stage,
13.6. pregnancy. - Footwear must be removed before entering the Snow Cave.
B. Baths (steam room, Ottoman steam room, aromatherapy steam room and caldarium)
- The Baths are an integral part of the Wellness Zone at Baltica Wellness & Spa.
- It is inadvisable to take a Bath after a heavy meal.
- Before entering a Bath, all metal objects should be removed since they may cause burns.
- Before entering a Bath, footwear should be removed.
- Before entering a Bath, Guests should shower with soap and warm water, and then dry themselves with a towel.
- Swimwear must be worn in the Baths.
- Guests may not use their own beauty products e.g. scrubs, gels, masks, creams, etc.
- A session in a Bath should last from 15 to 30 minutes.
- A session in a Bath should end by cooling the body with a cold shower – use of soap is inadvisable.
- After a session in a Bath it is advisable to rest for approximately 15 – 20 minutes and drink a moderate quantity of mineral water.
- Before and after a session in a Bath, physical exercise is not recommended.
- Use of the Baths is recommended in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
12.1. metabolic disorders (obesity),
12.2. chronic arthritis and periarthritis,
12.3. neuralgia. - Use of the Baths is inadvisable in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
13.1. heart failure,
13.2. hypertension,
13.3. hypotension,
13.4. tendency to bleed,
13.5. conditions at an acute stage,
13.6. pregnancy.
C. Sensations Showers
- The Sensations Showers are an integral part of the Wellness Zone at Baltica Wellness & Spa.
- Each cabin may be occupied by 1 – 2 persons at any one time.
- Sensations Showers are not used in the same way as ordinary showers. Cosmetic products (soap, shampoo, bath oils, etc.) should not be used during their operation.
- Each cabin has its own programme:4.1. Cabin 1 – CARIBBEAN STORM:
– The first programme creates a warm rain infused with a tropical fragrance. As the rain starts, a light comes on.
– The second programme creates cold rain in the form of a fine mist.
– The third programme starts a warm rain shower from the side and upper nozzles.4.2. Cabin 2 – POLAR FRESH:
– The first programme begins with a cold rain shower with an aromatic mist.
– The second programme starts with a cold rain shower in the form of a downpour.4.3. Cabin 3 – TROPICAL STORM:
– The first programme starts with a warm rain shower, and the cabin is filled with the scent of an aromatic mist.
– The second programme creates cold rain in the form of mist.
– The third programme starts with alternate cold and warm rain showers. - Following completion of the programme, the showers turn off automatically.
- The Sensations Showers should be left clean and tidy.
D. Rassoul Mud Bath
- The Rassoul Mud Bath is an integral part of the Wellness Zone at Baltica Wellness & Spa. Use of the Bath is subject to a separate, additional fee.
- The Bath has two sections: the Rassoul steam cabin and a massage room.
- The temperature in the Bath is 43 – 46 °C with 100% air humidity.
- The steam cabin may be occupied by no more than 4 persons at any one time.
- The Rassoul steam cabin may not be used while a treatment is being carried out in the massage room.
- It is inadvisable to use the Bath after a heavy meal.
- Before entering the Bath, Guests should shower with soap and warm water, and then dry themselves with a towel.
- Before entering the Bath, all metal objects should be removed since they may cause burns and may also become dirty with mud.
- Swimwear is obligatory in the Mud Bath.
- After entering the Rassoul steam cabin, a therapist activates the following programme:
10.1. Stage I – mud is applied to the body, with the exception of the face.
10.2. Stage II – pores are cleansed and toxic substances diluted, allowing the skin to regenerate.
10.3. Stage III – at the end of the mud bath, a gentle, warm rain falls on the bathers, rinsing and cleaning the body. At this stage the skin is optimally prepared for further cosmetic treatments and has an increased capacity to absorb nourishing substances. Upon completion of the shower, the yellow light turns on again. - After completion of the treatment in the steam cabin, it is suggested that the shower at the entrance to the cabin be used.
- Mud masks are supplied directly to the treatment room. Guests may apply the Mud mask themselves or ask a Spa therapist to do so.
- Guests may not use their own beauty products e.g. scrubs, gels, masks, creams, etc.
- Use of the the Mud Bath is recommended in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
14.1. metabolic disorders (obesity),
14.2. chronic arthritis and periarthritis,
14.3. neuralgia,
14.4. for cleansing the skin of toxins,
14.5. rheumatic pains (with medical consultation). - Use of the Mud Bath is inadvisable in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
15.1. heart failure
15.2. hypertension
15.3. hypotension
15.4. tendency to bleed
15.5. conditions in an acute stage
15.6. pregnancy,
15.7. allergy to iodine (in the case of mud masks).
E. Sauna
- The Sauna is an integral part of the Wellness Zone at Baltica Wellness & Spa.
- The Sauna may be occupied by no more than 20 persons at any one time.
- It is inadvisable to use the Sauna after a heavy meal.
- Before entering the Sauna, all metal objects should be removed since they may cause burns.
- Before entering the Sauna, footwear and swimsuit must be removed.
- Before entering the Sauna, Guests should shower with soap and warm water, and then dry themselves with a towel.
- A towel should be taken into the Sauna for sitting on.
- The sauna can be used in a pareo / towel in accordance with the rules in the sauna – sitting or lying on the benches so that no part of the body (including the foot) is in direct contact with the boards. Use a pareo or towel for this.
- Sauna seats may only be used after covering them (e.g. with a towel) – this also applies to the space under your feet.
- Guests may not use their own beauty products e.g. scrubs, gels, masks, creams, etc.
- The first session in the Sauna may last from 6 to 12 minutes, then the body should be cooled with a cold shower or a session in the Snow Cave, followed by a rest on a lounger (6 – 12 minutes). The next sessions in the Sauna (no more than three sessions are recommended during any one visit to the Wellness Zone) should be no longer than 10 minutes each.
- A session in the Sauna begins from the lowest bench, gradually moving to higher levels (depending on wellbeing), where the temperature is higher.
- A session in the Sauna should always end with the body being cooled down with a cold shower – use of soap is inadvisable.
- After using the Sauna it is advisable to rest for approximately 20 – 30 minutes and drink a moderate quantity of mineral water.
- Before and after a session in the Sauna, physical exercise is not recommended.
- The Sauna may be used only by healthy persons. Persons who are ill and/or in an unstable state of health should take professional medical advice before using the Sauna and other equipment.
- Use of the the Sauna is recommended:
17.1. to improve skin appearance,
17.2. to relax muscles,
17.3. to cleanse the body,
17.4. to increase immunity. - Use of the Sauna is inadvisable in the case of the following diseases and conditions:
18.1. chronic rheumatic conditions,
18.2. arthritis,
18.3. arterial hypertension (early stage),
18.4. post-traumatic states of the locomotor system,
18.5. acute acne,
18.6. chronic inflammatory conditions of the reproductive organs.
- Opening hours at Baltica Wellness & Spa are available at: www.spabaltica.pl/contact
Online shop regulations
- These regulations define the rules for the sale of services or goods offered in the Online Store available at the internet address spabaltica.pl
- The Online Store is run by Pazim Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Szczecin, pl. Rodła 8, 70-419 Szczecin, KRS 0000148810, with the share capital of PLN 153,267,157.50; NIP 851-020-83-82, REGON 005432744; e-mail address: sklep@spabaltica.pl, contact telephone number: (+48) 91 359 44 00.
- Acceptance of the Regulations is voluntary, with the proviso that it is a condition for making a purchase in the Online Store.
- Using the Online Store requires that the end devices and the ICT system meet the relevant technical requirements.
- The information presented in the Online Store constitutes an invitation to conclude a contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code.
- Whenever the following capitalized terms are used in the Regulations, they should be understood in the meaning given below:
a) BOK – Customer Service Office, which provides Customers with information on the activities conducted by the Online Store, including about the Products, the Store, the Regulations and current Promotions,
b) Price – the gross price of goods or services in the Online Store specified in PLN. The price does not include delivery costs, unless specific terms of the Promotion state otherwise.
c) Password – a string of alphanumeric characters specified by the Customer when creating the Account, necessary to authorize when accessing the Account;
d) Customer – a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality who uses the services of the Online Store, which the law grants legal capacity;
e) Consumer – a natural person making a purchase in the Online Store on his own behalf, which purchase is not related to his business or professional activity.
f) Account – a set of resources in the Seller’s ICT system marked with an individual name (Login) and Password provided by the Customer, allowing the Customer to use basic and additional functionalities / services.
g) Cart – Electronic Service consisting in enabling the Customer to easily place an Order of Products, make a Reservation, enter discount codes, display a summary of the Price of individual Products and all Products in total (including shipping costs), display the expected delivery date of the Products.
h) Login – the Customer’s e-mail address provided when creating the Account.
i) Newsletter – an Electronic Service that allows all interested Customers to receive cyclical information from the Seller, in particular regarding Products, including new products and promotions;
j) Product – a service or product available in the Online Store;
k) Promotions – special conditions for the provision of services or sale of goods, which the Customer may use on separate terms specified by the Seller in the Online Store.
l) Regulations – these regulations. In terms of services provided electronically, these Regulations are the regulations referred to in Art. 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended).
m) Salon – a stationary store run by the Seller at the following address: Baltica Wellness & Spa, pl. Rodła 8, 70-419 Szczecin.
n) Online Store – a platform constituting a set of interconnected websites, available at the internet address: www. sklep.spabaltica.pl .;
o) Seller – Pazim Sp. o.o., address: 70-419 Szczecin, pl. Rodła 8, KRS 0000148810, NIP 851-020-83-82, REGON 005432744.
p) Sales Agreement – a Product sales contract concluded in accordance with the Regulations, using means of distance communication between the Seller and the Customer.
r) Electronic Service – the Seller’s provision of services to the Customer via the Online Store by electronic means within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2002 No. 144, item 1204, as amended) . amended), in accordance with the concluded contract for the provision of electronic services.
s) Order – Customer’s declaration of will expressing the will to conclude a Sales Agreement, submitted using means of distance communication, specifying the Product for which the Customer submits an offer to conclude a Sales Agreement and the Customer’s data necessary for the conclusion and performance of the Sales Agreement.
- The Customer, via the Online Store, has access to the following Electronic Services:
a) keeping an Account,
b) the possibility of placing Orders and concluding Sales Agreements;
c) Basket;
d) Newsletter. - Customers who have created an Account in the Online Store, additionally have access to the service:
a) maintaining the session after logging into the Account;
b) storage and access to the history of Orders and Reservations. - Using the Account requires the Customer to fill in the registration form and accept the Regulations.
- Account registration requires the Password to be repeated twice in order to detect and correct any errors. The Customer may change the Password multiple times.
- The Customer is obliged to keep the Password confidential. The Seller is not responsible for the actions of third parties to whom the Customer provided the Password.
- As soon as the Customer receives the Seller’s confirmation to the e-mail address provided in the registration form, a contract for the provision of electronic services, referred to in paragraph 1 and sec. 2 above under the conditions specified in the Regulations.
- The Customer Account is kept free of charge for an indefinite period. The Customer may, at any time and without giving any reason, delete the Account by sending an appropriate request to the Seller.
- Creating an Account is not required to place an Order in the Online Store, with the proviso that the Seller may introduce such a requirement as part of the functionality of the Online Store.
- The use of the Cart begins with the addition of the first Product to the Cart. The basket collects selected Products. The Basket service is provided free of charge and ends when the Order is placed.
- The newsletter is made available to the e-mail address or telephone number provided by the Customer.
- When using Electronic Services, the Customer is obliged in particular to:
a) provide only true, current and required data in the forms of the Online Store and their current update
b) use the available services and functionalities of the Online Store in a manner consistent with the law, the provisions of the Regulations, as well as with the accepted customs and principles of social coexistence,
c) not to provide or transfer any content prohibited by law or infringing the rights of third parties within the Online Store. - Complaints related to the provision of Electronic Services may be submitted in writing to the following address: Pazim Sp. z o.o., Baltica Wellness & Spa, pl. Rodła 8, 70-419 Szczecin or in electronic form to the following address: reklamacje@spabaltica.pl;
- The description of the complaint should include: (1) information and circumstances regarding the subject of the complaint, in particular the type and date of occurrence of the irregularity; (2) customer requests and (3) contact details of the complainant. The requirements set out in the preceding sentence are only recommendations and do not affect the effectiveness of complaints submitted without the recommended description of the complaint.
- The Seller will respond to the submitted complaint immediately, not later than within 30 days from the date of its submission.
- The Seller may terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services:
a) at any time, with a 1-month notice period,
b) with immediate effect, in the case of:
– the Customer’s inactivity in the Online Store for an uninterrupted period of at least 3 years, or
– gross violation by the Customer of the law, Regulations, rules of social coexistence or good manners.
c) The Seller, his statement in the scope specified in paragraph 1 and 2 above are sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer when creating the Account or placing an Order.
- Placing an Order and concluding a Sales Agreement in the Online Store takes place in the following, indicated below:
a) adding the selected Product to the Cart and going to the Order form,
b) The Customer who has an Account only confirms in the Order form that the data necessary to conclude and implement the Sales Agreement is up-to-date. A customer who does not have an Account must complete the Order form as regards the data necessary to conclude and implement the Sales Agreement, such as:
1) if the Customer is a Consumer:
– first name and last name,
– address (street, house / flat number, zip code, city, country),
– e-mail address,
– contact telephone number,
– data on the Product / s, their quantity,
– the place of delivery and one of the delivery methods provided by the Seller,
– method of payment,
2) if the Customer is not a Consumer in addition,
– company name,
– if the Customer has requested a VAT invoice in the Order form, also the NIP number
c) In the case of a Customer who does not have an Account and has not previously accepted the Regulations, the acceptance of the Regulations is required.
d) After the Order form has been filled in correctly and completely, the Customer places an Order in the “Buy and pay” window. When placing the Order, until the button “Buy and pay” is pressed, the Customer has the option of correcting the entered data on his own in the “Cart” panel by adding or removing a given item from the Cart.
e) Depending on the selected method of payment, the Customer may be redirected to the website of an external payment service provider in order to make the payment.
f) As part of the development of Products or services available in the Online Store, the Seller may introduce the obligation to provide in the content of the Order form or in another appropriate place, other information about the Product or the Customer, appropriate, and in the case of personal data also necessary, in particular due to the specificity Product or service, e.g. to personalize the Product.
g) The Seller, in response to the placed Order, immediately sends an automatic message to the e-mail address provided by the Customer confirming receipt of the Order and commencing its verification.
h) After verifying the Order, the Seller sends a message to the e-mail address provided by the Customer with:
– confirmation of acceptance of the Order, or
– information about the inability to execute the Order for specific Products,
– refusal to execute the Order. - Subject to the conditions specified in the Regulations, the Sales Agreement is concluded upon confirmation of the Order by the Seller. The Customer receives the confirmation of the Order by e-mail to the e-mail address provided. The Sales Agreement specifies in particular the Product, its main features, Price, shipping costs and other relevant conditions. Each Product is the subject of a separate Sales Agreement.
- Promotions and discounts applicable in the Online Store may not be combined, unless the provisions of the Promotion expressly provide otherwise.
- If it is not possible to accept the Order in the scope of specific Products, BOK will contact the Customer in order to arrange the execution of the Order for the remaining available Products. In this case, the Customer may cancel the entire Order.
- For important reasons on the part of the Customer, in particular in the event of a gross violation by the Customer of the law, Regulations, rules of social coexistence or good manners, the Seller may refuse to refuse to execute the Order and conclude a Sales Agreement with the Customer.
- The Customer, until receiving the message about sending the Order, may cancel the Order without incurring any costs. In order to cancel the Order, the Customer should contact the Seller via BOK.
- If it is not possible to execute the Order, refuse to execute it or cancel the Order (section 4, section 5 and section 6 above), the Sales Agreement is not concluded, and the Seller shall immediately, not later than within 14 days, return the paid payments by him, to the extent that the Sales Agreement has not been concluded.
- Along with the development of the Online Store’s activity, the Seller may introduce other methods of placing Orders and concluding a Sales Agreement using means of distance communication in the Regulations.
- The Seller provides the Customer with various payment methods, in particular:
a) by bank transfer to the Seller’s bank account;
b) electronic payments and card payments via authorized websites, in accordance with the information provided in the Online Store; - The current payment methods are specified in the Online Store in the “Payment methods” tab and each time on the subpage of a given Product.
- The available payment methods may depend on the Product selected by the Customer or the method of delivery. The available payment methods may also change in the case of placing several Orders at the same time, in particular due to the Products covered by them.
- Settlements of transactions with electronic payments and with a payment card are carried out in accordance with the Customer’s choice through authorized services. If the Seller does not receive the payment of the Customer who has chosen payment in advance, i.e. payment by bank transfer, electronic payment or payment by payment card, BOK may contact with the Customer to remind about the payment, including by sending an e-mail Failure to make the payment within 3 days of placing the Order, and then within the additional 3-day period, will result in the fact that the Sales Agreement is not concluded.
- Product delivery is possible on the territory of the Republic of Poland and to selected countries indicated in the “Delivery costs” tab in the Online Store.
- The delivery of the Product to the Customer is payable.
- The currently available methods of delivery of the Product and its costs are specified in the “Delivery costs” tab in the Online Store.
- Subject to the cases specified in the Regulations, the Seller provides the Customers with the following Product delivery methods:
a) courier delivery,
b) Polish Post
c) personal collection at the Salon. - The estimated delivery time of the Product to the Customer is up to 2 business days from the payment confirmation for domestic shipments and up to 6 business days from the payment confirmation for international shipments, unless a shorter deadline is specified in the description of the Product or during the Order placement, unless a shorter period is specified in the description of the Product or when placing the Order.
- The total date of delivery of the Product consists of the time of preparing the Order for shipment by the Seller and the time of delivery of the Product by the courier.
- The time of preparing the Order for shipment by the Seller is each time presented on the subpage of a given Product and is counted from the date of crediting the Seller’s bank account or settlement account with the amount of the Price.
- The time of delivery of the Product by a given carrier is each time presented on the subpage of a given Product and in the “Order” tab in the Online Store.
- The Seller enables the Customer to collect Products in person at the Salon by providing such an option in the Order form.
- The grounds and scope of the Seller’s liability towards the Customer, if the sold Product has a physical defect, are specified in the provisions of the Civil Code, in particular in art. 556 and following of the Civil Code.
- Complaints are submitted in writing to the following address: Pazim Sp. o.o., Baltica Wellness & Spa, pl. Rodła 8, 70-419 Szczecin. If the complaint concerns the Product, it is required to be delivered to the Seller together with the complaint in order to enable the Seller to verify the Product.
- The Seller shall consider the submitted complaint immediately, not later than within 14 days from the date of its receipt. If the Customer has requested a replacement of the product and the Seller has not responded to this request within 14 days of its receipt, the request is deemed to be justified.
- The provisions of this paragraph apply only to the Customer who concluded the Sales Agreement as a Consumer.
- The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to contracts specified in art. 38 of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights.
- The Customer has the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement without giving any reason.
- The deadline for submitting a declaration of withdrawal from the Sales Agreement is 14 days from the date of receipt of the Product by the Customer or a person designated by him. In the case of a Sales Agreement that includes many Products delivered separately, in batches or in parts – the withdrawal period is counted from the receipt of the last Product, batch or part. In the case of a Sales Agreement, which consists in the regular delivery of Products for a specified period of time – the withdrawal period is counted from the receipt of the first of the Products.
- In order to exercise the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement, the Customer submits to the Seller a statement in which he clearly informs about the withdrawal from the Sales Agreement. The declaration of withdrawal may be submitted, for example:
a) in writing to the following address: Pazim Sp. o.o., Baltica Wellness & Spa, pl. Rodła 8, 70-419 Szczecin;
b) in electronic form via e-mail to the following address: info@spabaltica.pl - In the event of effective withdrawal by the Customer from the Sales Agreement, this agreement is considered void.
- The Seller shall immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date of receipt of the effective statement of the Customer on withdrawal from the Sales Agreement, return to the Consumer all payments made by him, including the costs of delivery of the Product. The Seller does not reimburse additional costs resulting from the method of delivery chosen by the Customer, other than the cheapest standard delivery method offered by the Seller. The customer bears the cost of returning the product.
- The Seller shall refund the payment using the same method of payment as used by the Customer.
- If the Seller has not offered to collect the Product from the Customer himself, he may withhold the reimbursement until the Product is returned or the Consumer provides proof of its return, depending on which event occurs first.
- The Customer is obliged to return the Product to the Seller immediately, no later than within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Sales Agreement. To meet the deadline, it is enough to return the Product before its expiry. The Customer is obliged to return the Product to the following address: Pazim Sp. z o.o., Baltica Wellness & Spa, pl. Rodła 8, 70-419 Szczecin. Please attach the proof of purchase of the Product if possible.
Exclusive rights to the Content provided / posted as part of the Online Store by the Seller, in particular copyrights, the name of the Online Store (trademark), its graphic elements, software and database rights are legally protected and are vested in the Seller or entities, with whom the Seller has concluded appropriate agreements. The customer is entitled to use the above-mentioned The content is free of charge, as well as to use the Content posted in accordance with the law and already disseminated by other customers as part of the Online Store, but only for personal use and only for the proper use of the Online Store.
- The administrator of the Customer’s personal data is the Seller.
- Providing personal data by the Customer is voluntary, but necessary to create an Account, use specific Electronic Services, conclude a Sales Agreement.
- The Seller applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the processed personal data.
- The Customer’s personal data provided as part of the Online Store or obtained based on the Customer’s activity on the Internet will be processed by the Seller for specific, specific purposes indicated in individual forms as part of the Online Store.
- The customer has the right to lodge a complaint with the authority competent for the protection of personal data, the right to object, the right to access his personal data, request rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and data transfer.
- Additional explanations regarding the protection of personal data are contained in the “Privacy Policy” available in the Online Store.
- The Regulations and attachments to the Regulations constitute a standard contract within the meaning of Art. 384 § 1 of the Civil Code.
- The Seller may change the Regulations at any time. In the event of changes to the Regulations, the Seller will provide the consolidated text of the Regulations by publication in the Online Store and by means of the information sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer when concluding the Agreement for the Provision of Services.
- The amendment to the Regulations comes into force after 14 days from the date of sending the information about the change. Customers who have an Account have the right to terminate the contract for the provision of electronic services within 14 days from the date of notification of the change in the Regulations.
- The amendment to the Regulations shall not be relevant for the Sales Agreements concluded by the Customer and the Seller prior to the date of amendments to the Regulations.
- The provisions of this paragraph apply only to Customers who are not Consumers.
- The Seller has the right to withdraw from the Sales Agreement concluded with the Customer within 14 days from its conclusion. Withdrawal from the Sales Agreement in this case may take place without giving a reason and does not give rise to any claims on the part of the Customer against the Seller.
- The Seller has the right to limit the available payment methods, including requiring prepayment in whole or in part, regardless of the method of payment chosen by the Customer and the fact of concluding the Sales Agreement.
- Upon the release of the Product by the Seller to the carrier, the benefits and burdens associated with the Product and the risk of accidental loss or damage to the Product shall be transferred to the Customer. In such a case, the Seller shall not be liable for any loss, defect or damage to the Product arising from its acceptance for transport until its delivery to the Customer and for delay in transporting the shipment.
- The Seller’s liability, regardless of its legal basis, is limited – both as part of a single claim, as well as for all claims in total – up to the amount of the Price paid and delivery costs under the last Sales Agreement, but not more than 1.000, 00 zlotys.
- Any disputes arising will be settled by the competent court according to the seat of the Seller.
- The Regulations are valid from November 27, 2019.
- The Seller provides technical and organizational measures appropriate to the degree of threat to the security of the functionalities or services provided on the basis of the Service Provision Agreement. The use of Electronic Services is associated with typical threats to the transmission of data via the Internet, such as their dissemination, loss or unauthorized access to them.
- The content of the Regulations is available to customers free of charge at the following URL spabaltica.pl/regulamin/ where customers can view and print it at any time.
- The Seller informs that using the Online Store via a web browser or Application, including placing an Order, as well as establishing a telephone connection with the Customer Service Office, may be associated with the necessity to incur costs of connecting to the Internet (data transfer fee) or connection costs telephone, in accordance with the tariff package of the service provider used by the Customer.
- In matters not covered by these Regulations, generally applicable provisions of Polish law shall apply. The choice of Polish law on the basis of these Regulations does not deprive the Consumer of the protection granted to him on the basis of mandatory provisions of generally applicable law.
Black Friday promotion regulations
Regulations for the purchase and implementation of BLACK FRIDAY & WELLNESS and BLACK FRIDAY & SPA Packages
(hereinafter referred to as “BLACK FRIDAY Packages”)- The Baltica Wellness & Spa offer of BLACK FRIDAY Packages is available at: www.spabaltica.pl
- BLACK FRIDAY packages are available in the Baltica Wellness & Spa offer only on November 29, 2024.
- The original Package document issued by Baltica Wellness & Spa entitles you to use the BLACK FRIDAY Package.
- The BLACK FRIDAY package only entitles you to use specific treatments listed in this package.
- It is not possible to exchange treatments as part of purchased BLACK FRIDAY Packages.
- BLACK FRIDAY packages are valid until March 1, 2025.
- It is not possible to extend the expiration date of BLACK FRIDAY Packages.
- BLACK FRIDAY packages cannot be withdrawn in cash or exchanged for any other means of payment.
- The BLACK FRIDAY promotion does not include any shipping costs.
- The BLACK FRIDAY promotion cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
Cyber Monday promotion regulations
Regulations for the purchase and implementation of CYBER MONDAY & WELLNESS and CYBER MONDAY & SPA Packages
(hereinafter referred to as “Cyber Monday Packages”)- The Baltica Wellness & Spa offer of Cyber Monday Packages is available at: www.spabaltica.pl
- Cyber Monday packages are available in the Baltica Wellness & Spa offer only 2 December, 2024.
- The original Package document issued by Baltica Wellness & Spa entitles you to use the Cyber Monday Package.
- The Cyber Monday package only entitles you to use specific treatments listed in this package.
- It is not possible to exchange treatments as part of purchased Cyber Monday Packages.
- Cyber Monday packages are valid until March 2, 2025.
- It is not possible to extend the expiration date of Cyber Monday Packages.
- Cyber Monday packages cannot be withdrawn in cash or exchanged for any other means of payment.
- The Cyber Monday promotion does not include any shipping costs.
- The Cyber Monday promotion cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.
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Ośrodek usytuowany w centrum Szczecina, gdzie możesz wybrać się zarówno na codzienny zabieg pielęgnacyjny, jak i spędzić niesamowity weekend Spa dla dwojga